Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage involves stroking, pressing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It is part of integrative medicine and is increasingly offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of conditions.


The most commonly reported benefits of massage include relaxation and pain relief. Massage may also reduce edema (swelling) and improve muscle flexibility, joint stability and posture. Contact Massage Therapist Tulsa for professional help.

Many people feel a great sense of well-being and relaxation during and after a massage session. This is because massage has been proven to reduce pain and anxiety as well as improve posture, sleep, circulation, flexibility and immune function. The relaxation response produced by massage has also been shown to decrease heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension and levels of stress hormones in the body.

The first thing that happens during a massage is that your muscles relax. This occurs because the physical manipulation of soft tissue causes a release of chemicals that induce relaxation and calmness. The therapist will use long, gliding strokes or circular movements that will gradually relax the major muscle groups of your body from your neck down to your feet. They may use deep, firm or light pressure as well depending on your preference and how your body responds.

Another thing that happens during a massage is that the therapist can cause an increase in your blood flow. This is due to the dilating of your blood vessels and the increase in your venous return which can enhance the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your cells as well as decrease your blood pressure and heart rate.

It has also been reported that the metabolites released during the relaxation response (such as serotonin) can help you sleep better. This is because it helps calm your nervous system by decreasing the activity of your Sympathetic Nervous System, which controls the “fight or flight” response.

After the session, your therapist will leave you to get dressed. Some people like to chat during this time while others prefer quiet. You should always communicate with your therapist about what is comfortable to you.

There are many ways to practice relaxation, such as meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, stretching, tense and relax breathing technique, hypnotherapy, mindfulness or guided imagery. You can even try giving yourself a “self-massage” with hand movements or a forearm rub on your own shoulders and back. The key is to find a method of relaxation that works for you and then to do it as often as possible, especially when your life stresses you out.

Pain Relief

Whether you’re an athlete recovering from a competition or a office worker experiencing stiff neck and back pain, massage can help ease the discomfort. According to the results of a recent study, massage significantly reduces pain and associated psychological distress.

The research suggests that massage relieves pain by interrupting the cycle of physical contributions to it: Pain triggers the muscle to tighten, which restricts movement and decreases circulation, and both these factors contribute to more pain. Massage can also help break the cycle by relieving stress, which in turn helps alleviate pain and increase relaxation and flexibility.

Aside from the obvious benefit of easing pain, massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and lowers your heart rate and blood pressure. It can also boost your levels of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that promote feelings of calm and well-being. During a massage, the nerves in your body’s spinal cord transmit messages of touch and pressure to your brain, which in turn block pain signals from muscles and joints.

If you’re dealing with chronic or acute pain, it’s important to tell your massage therapist about it beforehand. They should be able to advise you on the type of massage and amount of pressure that will work best for you. You can even ask them to use techniques like effleurage (long, gliding strokes) over inflamed areas to minimize post-massage soreness.

During a massage, you’ll likely be asked to remove your clothing and lie down on the massage table in a calming environment. It’s helpful to drink plenty of water before your session and to communicate with your massage therapist if you feel uncomfortable or pain during the process so they can adjust their technique.

Another way that massage may help reduce pain is by altering the release of a neurotransmitter known as’substance P’, which sends signals throughout the nervous system including sensory and nociceptive pathways (pain pathways). When’substance P’ levels are low, the brain doesn’t receive as many ‘pain’ signals, so you experience less pain. A study showed that massage can reduce’substance P’ in the participants, which can indicate that pain levels are reduced as a result of massage.

Stress Reduction

When you feel stressed, muscles tighten in response to the fight-or-flight hormones released by your body. This results in pain, aches and even a general sense of discomfort. Massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system to help relax muscles and soft tissue. In addition, it lowers your heart rate and blood pressure and increases endorphins and serotonin, which boost your mood. Stress reduction is an important component of massage therapy because chronic or habitual stress can cause a wide variety of health problems.

Stress is a normal part of life, but it can be hard to tell the difference between real and perceived threats. Our bodies have a natural “fight-or-flight” response to any perceived threat that activates the sympathetic nervous system, which causes your heart rate and breathing to increase as your body prepares for action. This is an essential survival mechanism, but if your fight-or-flight response is turned on continuously, it can lead to cardiovascular disease and other health problems.

Studies indicate that massage decreases salivary cortisol and heart rate, a clear indication that it calms your body’s fight-or-flight response and encourages your parasympathetic nervous system to take control of the situation. Multiple treatments have also been shown to reduce urinary excretion of cortisol and catecholamines, indicating a sustained parasympathetic effect.

During your massage, it’s important to communicate with your therapist so they know what pressure and technique works best for you. Remember that they’re trained professionals who prioritize your comfort and safety. If you ever experience any discomfort during your session, let them know right away.

When you receive a massage, your brain produces neurotransmitters like endorphins, serotonin and dopamine to help relieve anxiety and depression and provide a mood boost. These hormones also boost the immune system to fight off infection and promote healthy cell function. They also stimulate your skin’s lymphatic system, which helps your body to eliminate waste products. Massage can also help with tense, tight muscles that are often a result of stress. Massage can increase muscle flexibility, improve circulation and help you sleep better. This can ease tension and headaches, as well as improve posture and balance and increase your overall quality of life.


Sleep is essential to good health, and problems with sleep can cause a range of physical and mental issues. Massage can help people with a number of sleep problems, such as insomnia and restless leg syndrome. The main reason is that massage reduces stress and stimulates hormones that promote a good night’s sleep. This includes the release of serotonin and melatonin, which help regulate our sleep cycle. It also helps to lower cortisol levels, which can lead to fatigue and depression.

A massage can be especially effective for people who have a sleep disorder as a result of injury or illness, such as fibromyalgia or cancer, because it can help relieve pain and tension in the body. People who suffer from chronic insomnia can also benefit from massage, because it can reduce the severity of their symptoms and the frequency of their episodes.

Many people with a sleep disorder have difficulty sleeping because of tense muscles or discomfort in the back, neck, shoulders, arms, legs, and feet. These types of muscles can be treated with various massage techniques, such as kneading, deep circular movements, vibration, and tapping. Massage can also be helpful for sleep disorders because it stimulates the production of endorphins, which are natural painkillers that boost feelings of relaxation and calmness.

Studies have shown that massage can increase the number of hours a person spends asleep, improve the quality of their sleep, and lead to improved moods. The type of massage that can best help with sleep is Swedish, which uses long strokes, kneading, tapping, and deep circles to promote relaxation and energize the body. Deep tissue massage is another option, because it utilizes deeper pressure and techniques to address muscle and connective tissue issues. Trigger point massage can be a great choice for improving sleep as well, because it focuses on releasing muscle tension in specific sore spots.

Adding massage to your regular self-care routine can make it easier to fall and stay asleep at night. Try massaging your feet before bed, or spend a little time rubbing the ridge of your big toe, which can promote melatonin production and help with sleep.